Jaime Gennaro, Certified Business Coach

I have had a career full of big risk and big reward. I have grown and sold start-ups, worked as a COO, coached and mentored teams both big and small, and I have done a lot of math along the way. I have a special skill of being able to hone in people’s talents and help foster them so they can go after what they really want, not what other people want for them. I love my job and it’s my mission to help everyone find work that they love.

Working with Jaime gave me invaluable, practical tools to build the foundations of my new business. Jaime helped me create a working structure with tactics that worked for me. She helped me keep the momentum and the big vision. On each of our calls, something in me felt life shifting and expanding, and I felt more grounded in my energy and visions than ever.” 

Read more about Sara in her Client Spotlight blog post.

Sara Llopis

Senses & Beyond
CEO and Founder

My career has been anything but linear.

I’ve always been more focused on being happy then on climbing any ladders. Who put those ladders there in the first place?


Over the last two decades, I have worked almost exclusively with start-ups. I took a 25-person advertising agency to 80 people and a multi-million dollar sale in 15 months. In 2 years, I took a start-up from 300k to 3MM in sales in a new international market. I also worked with a wellness start-up through a re-org and moved them from 300k to 1MM in annual revenue over 2 years. I have also helped a tech start-up secure its first investment round and create a marketing strategy to launch the platform with 500 users.


I’ve had the privilege of running two companies as Managing Director. After 15 years of using my self-taught marketing experience in various ways, it felt great to level up by working in advertising with clients like adidas and Starbucks. This is where I honed my leadership and management skills managing large teams and working closely with clients.


My desire to seek and travel, and my need for balance and time for the family, has driven many of my career moves. In 2004 I moved to Rome and wrote travel articles. Then in 2017 I moved to the Netherlands and started a consulting company. When you aren’t born with a silver spoon, but still want an extraordinary life, you figure out a way.

“How open are you to this process? To face the truth? Jaime helped me reflect and take action toward all of the things that I wanted from my personal and professional life. She empowered me to realize it’s all up to me.

What I found helpful and practical was that we set clear outcomes. And then we tracked the progress over a few weeks to see if things were working. I could clearly see how the things I was improving on were beneficial and tied to concrete deliverables.

Listen to Eduardo’s episode on the Business for Humans podcast.

Eduardo Gil

Brand and Marcom Lead
TP Vision